There is a Book in Heaven About You!

When the Lord created you, He knew exactly who you were made to be. Your identity as a son/daughter, your calling, your purpose, and your destiny are all interwoven inside the fabric of your being. It’s in your DNA.

The Word says there is a book in heaven about your life. Every day of your life was recorded in the book He wrote for you and every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (Psalm 139:16 NLT)

I think it’s amazing that this book is not an ongoing project for the Lord. It’s not being erased or rewritten, and there are no blank pages. He had a dream for your life and wrote it out long before your parents even dreamt of you. He is unwaveringly committed to helping you fulfill the dreams and the destiny He’s placed inside your heart. He is a master starter and finisher. He is a master redeemer and restorer. And He will make a way where there is no way.

Often times the enemy tries to shackle us with fear, anxiety, and disappointment in hopes that we won’t know our identity and worth. He screams the same old lies trying to keep us from the destiny and plans the Father has for our lives.

Friend, I want to remind you that God is not surprised by our failures and shortcomings. He doesn’t see us by our current sin or our past sin. He doesn’t see us as our current success or past success. He sees us as who we are through Christ – a son or a daughter of the Most High. Remember that He has big dreams for your life! Never stop hoping. Hope is the breeding grounds for faith and with faith, we can move mountains!

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